Our Focus
Our expertise extends beyond low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) to an investment approach centered around residents and community.
At Hunt Capital Partners, we understand that cultivating strong relationships is key to affordable housing development.
We collaborate with developers from underwriting to disposition, bring investors opportunities tailored to their interests and priorities, and provide services to residents to enhance their health and stability.
Our Expertise

Special Needs
We’re experienced in capitalizing special needs housing that supports veterans, survivors of domestic violence, the homeless and more.

Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)
The RAD program provides Housing Authorities with tools to rehabilitate and preserve public housing.

Tribal Housing
Tribal housing serves as an exemplary housing model, showcasing how tribes can take housing development into their own hands.

Through the Historic Tax Credit (HTC) programs, we help developers rehabilitate, revitalize and reuse historic buildings.

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
The low-income housing tax credit is the most important tool for creating affordable housing in the U.S. today.
Our Impact
Shelter is a basic need, but feeling at home is also essential. Together with developers and investors, we go beyond constructing a home, we cultivate communities that foster resident well-being, provide developers with a source of pride, and offer investors valuable additions to their portfolios.
Equity Raised
Homes Created
or Preserved
Trusted Partner
Development Completion and Impact
What We Do
For Developers
We work side by side with developers, providing a suite of services that includes not only tax credit equity, but also predevelopment, construction, and permanent financing. At Hunt Capital Partners, we understand the unique challenges developers face and strive to assist them in their goals by offering certitude of closing and a partner-first approach.
We aim not only to close deals, but also to create enduring partnerships and communities where residents can thrive.
What We Do
For Investors
Our investor partners encompass a diverse range of businesses, including banks, insurance companies and other corporate investors. We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we are committed to crafting investment opportunities that are as unique as our partners and their individual goals.
Whether it's meeting Community Reinvestment Act requirements, ESG goals or achieving economic returns, we have you covered. At Hunt Capital Partners, your specific needs are our top priority.